Business automation
In a growing market, many companies focus on capturing the growth, rather improving efficiency. However as soon as the market stops growing, the demands of business to increase productivity and optimize those business processes which were not improved during the "fat years" come to the forefront.

For example, a properly designed ERP system can provide savings of hundreds of hours worth of employee time.
Development of projects of any complexity using Python/Django, Django REST Framework, ReactJS, Bootstrap.
Refactoring and refining existing projects on Python/Django as well as other Python frameworks. Scaling and optimizing software solutions for increasing workload.
Organization of distributed and fault-tolerant data storage systems using PotsgreSQL and MySQL.
Configuring Linux servers and software environment to implement and operate developed solutions.
Further technical support and maintenance of our projects.
We solve any tasks necessary for business automation: from creating simple websites to developing complex client-server applications and CRM systems
Hourly rates based on execution
Prices depend on the scope of work and complexity of the project
€100 per hour average
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